Library catalogues

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An old fashion card catalogue

A library catalogue is a searchable collection of records of every item in a library. The catalogue will point you to the location of a particular book or journal that the library owns on your topic. Since every library collection is unique, every catalogue is also unique.

Use the Catalogue

Note Library catalogues only refer to monographs (books, reports, theses, atlases, maps, proceedings etc.) and periodicals (journals, newsletters, serials). They do not refer to journal articles or book chapters. So to look up an article you should look up the journal title in the catalogue, not the article title.

Wageningen UR Library Catalogue

Catalogue terminal at Wageningen UR Library

The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by the libraries of Wageningen University and Research Centre and some 15 associated libraries.

Subjects covered include Agrotechnology, Food and Food Production, Plant and Animal Sciences, Soil Science, Geo-information, Landscape and Spatial Planning, Water and Climate, Ecosystem Studies, Economics and Society.

The joint collections of the participating libraries cover a substantial part of the internationally available scientific literature in these disciplines. As far as Dutch scientific literature in these fields is concerned, coverage can be considered near 100%.

Search the Catalogue


WorldCat logo WorldCat is a large union catalogue to which thousands of libraries around the world contribute their data. It contains descriptions of about 70 million titles and over a billion items held. Through WorldCat you can search many libraries at once for an item and then locate it in a library nearby. The major Dutch academic libraries can be searched via WorldCat, including Wageningen UR Library.

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