Water and salt transport in daily irrigated root zone.


  • C. Dirksen




With closed, high-frequency irrigation systems, the water supply can be tailored to the instant needs of plants. To be able to do this optimally, it is necessary to understand how plants interact with their environment. To study water uptake under a variety of non-uniform conditions in the root zone, lucerne was grown in laboratory soil columns with automated gamma ray attenuation, tensiometer and salinity sensor equipment to measure soil water contents, pressure potentials and osmotic potentials, respectively. The columns were irrigated with water of different salinity at various frequencies and leaching fractions. This paper presents results obtained in a column irrigated daily with water of conductivity 0.33 S/m (h0 = -13.2 m) at a target leaching fraction of 0.08. This includes the drying and wetting patterns under daily irrigations in deficit and excess of evapotranspiration, respectively. After 230 days the salination of the column had still not reached a steady state. Salinity increased rapidly with depth and root water uptake was shallow for the deep-rooting lucerne. Water and salt transport under daily irrigation cannot be described without taking hysteresis of soil water retention into account. The data presented are suitable for testing various water uptake models, once numerical water and salt transport models of the required complexity are operational. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)





