Sustainability os small ruminant population on the Adja Plateau (South Benin)
Since 1986 the RAMR project (Recherche Appliquee en Milieu Reel) has conducted on-farm research on the Adja Plateau in Mono Province (South Benin). In this article, technical and socio-economic aspects of small ruminant production systems on the Adja Plateau are described. Monitoring of small ruminant flocks showed that about 25% of the small ruminants were sold annually. Export of nutrients as a result of the sale of animals (85 g N. 23 g P. 12 g K and 46 g Ca per hectare) was low compared with export through crop production. In-depth studies at village level showed that farmers mainly collected oil palm leaves, constituting 75% of the small ruminant rations, to feed their animals. Nutrients in collected oil palm leaves represented a substantial fraction (about 10%) of available nutrients in fields under oil palm. Proposals for future research on small ruminant production systems have to contribute to the sustainability of farming systems. Emphasis will be put on animal feeding and feed production integrating small ruminant and crop production.Downloads