Illustrations 2a, 2b, 2c.


Original plate.



einette de Canada blanche    (described in  Ann. de Pom., II, page 53).

Reinette de Canada   (described in  Ann. de Pom., II,  page53).

Reinette de Portugal  (mentioned in  Catalogue of the Fruits. N° 640).

Reinette Windsor  (mentioned in  Catalogue of the Fruits. N° 640).

Reinette d' Andilly  (mentioned in  Catalogue of the Fruits. N° 640).

Rümelin's Reinette, in Württemberg.

Pariser Rambour Reinette  (Handbuch der Obstkunde, I, page 119).


Presumed to be of French origin.


SHAPE: many variations, strong ribs towards the eye; occasionally the ribs span the entire apple, down to the base.

SIZE: generally of the second grade; apples from young trees often approach first grade.

EYE: open, with short sepals.

STALK: usually short and thick.

The COLOUR of the skin varies strongly, and the apple can be heavily russeted. Some apples are almost entirely smooth and then flushed with brownish red at the sun side.

The FLESH is pleasant, soft, winelike sour, softened by some sweetness.

TIME OF USE: January - April. First grade for dessert and kitchen; in Germany recommended for cider and compote.

The TREE is a strong grower, therefore most suitable as a standard tree with medium harvests. Recommended for the orchard and along roadsides. The apple will be successful on the market.