Illustrations 6a, 6b, 6c.


Original plate.



aradijs dubbele Zuren.

Rother Eisenapfel.

Rother drei Jahre dauernder Streifling   (Handbuch, IV, page 353).

Pomme rouge rayée, durable trois ans  (Handbuch, IV, page 353).

Rother calvillartiger Süszapfel   (Handbuch, IV, page 353).


See: Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°.49.)

Origin unknown. Knoop (around1750) already described this apple as an old variety.

SHAPE: no variations.

SIZE: third grade, apples from young trees on fertile ground approach the second grade.

EYE: half open, sometimes closed, greenish, woolly, medium deep basin, surrounded by small ribs.

STALK: short, seldom exceeds the (rather deep) cavity, woody, cavity often russeted.

The COLOUR of some of the apples is more lively, often dark flames can be seen.

The FLESH is firm, medium fine, sweetish sour.

TIME OF USE: March - April. First grade for the kitchen.

The TREE grows well, even on less favourable places; it takes a number of years before it acquires its legendary fertility, and then usually bears on alternate years.

Recommended for cultivation (a remark hardly necessary, since every grower loves this variety). The apple is very succesful on the market because it travels very well and, if kept with care, will last until June.