Illustrations 13a, 13b, 13c.


Original plate.



ld Pearmain   (Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 544).

Pearmain   (Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 544).

Royale d' Angleterre  (Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 544).

Limonien Reinette (presumably)   (Handbuch, I, page 319).


See: Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten, [Description of fruit varieties], second series, N°. 120.


SHAPE: sometimes a bit higher as illustrated.

SIZE: of the third grade, sometimes approaching second grade.

EYE: usually half closed, sometimes open; sepals medium, sometimes long and pointed, medium to shallow basin, surrounded by a few flat rises.

STALK: medium length, sometimes shorter, rather thick, broad cavity, mostly russeted.

The COLOUR is as reproduced; more yellow when ripe, often some rust on different places of the skin; at the sun side seldom a brownish red shine, with small lenticels

The FLESH is pleasant, soft, sourish, aromatic, very juicy

TIME OF USE: January - May. First grade for dessert and the kitchen.

The TREE is a moderate grower, very fertile and suitable for any shape.