Illustrations 15a, 15b, 15c.


Original plate.



einette grise   (knoop, table IX).

Reinette graauwe    (knoop, table IX).

Graauwe Fransche Reinet, as mentioned by Knoop, is a different variety

Graue franzoessische Reinette   (Handbuch IV, page 335).



See: Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°.75.


SHAPE: no variations, flat rises over the entire apple

SIZE: second grade

EYE: closed, sepals broad and short, greyish green, beautiful basin with little folds, and heavy russeting

STALK: medium, moderate thickness, woody; regular, deep cavity with heavy russeting

The COLOUR is as reproduced; sometimes the apple shows a brownish red at the sun side; russeting is so heavy that the ground colour is hardly visible.

The FLESH is rather fine and soft, slightly elastic, moderately sour softened by some sweet, slightly astringent

TIME OF USE: January - March. Second grade for dessert and kitchen.

The TREE is a strong grower, most useful as a standard tree, very fertile, but tends to dropping apples before harvest time: a protected place is required. Good market apple, suitable for drying.