Illustrations 27a, 27b, 27c.


Original plate.



itte Kruidappel   (knoop, Tab. l)?

Kruideling (witte)   (serrurier , part I, page 128).

Blanke Tulpappel.


Zijden Hemdje  (Westland, prov. of South Holland).

Oogstappel   (matthieu van noordt, very good illustration).


Pijpappel    (in some regions of The Netherlands).

Augustapfel    (Denmark).

Sommer-Gewürzapfel    (Handbuch, I, page 203).

Weisser Sommer-Gewürzapfel    (e. lucas , Abb. Württem., Obstsorten, with excellent illustrations).

Calville précoce.


Weisse Sommer-Schafsnase.

Englischer Kantapfel   (Deutsches Obstcabinet, Issue 9, Ill. 84, very bad).

Schönbeck's früher Gewürzapfel.

Pomme avant toutes.

Sommer-Postoph    (in France, according to the Handbuch).

Foxley Russian Apple.

Zomer Aagt   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first part, N°. 6).


The origin is unknown, the apple is found all over Europe, even in Russia.


SHAPE: as illustrated, but rather variable; now flat and less ribbed, now very long and bent inwards towards the top.

SIZE: third grade, from young trees in a good place, in fertile soil and grafted on Paradijs rootstock. The apples will be smaller from a tree grafted on seedling, especially if not thinned in time.

EYE: closed, sepals on larger fruit long, pointed, green, woolly; narrow basin of medium depth, surrounded by small ribs or lumps; sometimes ribs go over the entire apple ending in the cavity.

STALK: medium long, usually woody, sometimes fleshy; medium cavity, often narrowed by ribs.

The COLOUR is straw- yellow, a light red blush at the sunside; a stronger influence of the sun can deepen this blush to almost brown; on the tree the apple is covered with a bloom.

The FLESH is yellowish white, rather fine, soft, juicy at the right time, pleasantly sour, aromatic, later mealy. The core cells are big and contain shapely brown pips.

TIME OF USE: August. The apple has to stay on the tree a long time: its scent announces the moment of use; second grade for dessert, first grade for kitchen.

The TREE is a moderate grower at first, but stays small because of its early and extreme fertility; recommended as a standard tree and a pyramid. The branches are of an attractive red brown and carry very large buds.