Illustrations 28a, 28b, 28c.


Original plate.



oode Zomer-Calville   (knoop, Tab. l, serrurier , part I, page 80).

Rother Sommercalville.

Madeleine rouge.

Calville rouge d'été   (Catalogue of the Fruits, 117).

Pigeon rouge d'été.

Passe pomme rouge d'été.

Früher rother Calvill   (according to serrurier).

Sommer-Erdbeerapfel   (according to serrurier).

Calville d'été de Normandie   (according to serrurier).

Calville hatif   (according to serrurier).

Calville royal d'été   (according to serrurier).

Calville, Roode Zomer   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first part, N°. 22).


Its origin cannot be traced anymore; KNOOP knew this variety already and we have found it as well in old documents of our nurseries.


SHAPE: as illustrated, perhaps a little higher

SIZE: usually fourth grade, on young trees third grade

EYE: closed, sepals mostly green, woolly, long and pointed; the basin is narrow and surrounded by ribs which go on over a short length of the apple.

STALK: medium length, thick, woody, close to the apple sometimes fleshy; the cavity is broad and shallow, regular, no russeting.

The background COLOUR is yellowish, but rarely visible, since usually the entire fruit is covered by crimson in which one sees lenticels and sometimes even darker flames and stripes.

On the tree the apple is covered by a bluish bloom.

The FLESH is white with light red veins under the skin and around the core, rather fine, soft, moderately juicy but very aromatic.The core is rather big and filled with light brown pips.

TIME OF USE: August; the apple acquires its full taste if it is left on the tree until its scent betrays its full ripeness.First grade for dessert, attractive because of its early ripening.

The TREE is such a bad grower that one can recognize it by only that. However, it is fertile very early. Recommended as an espalier, less as a pyramid and not at all as a standard tree. It needs little pruning but thinning is necessary; on cold and wet soil and with rainy weather the apple is known to get damaged.