Illustrations 33a, 33b, 33c.


Original plate.



harlamowsky   (Handbuch, I, page 95, oberdieck, Anleitung, page 115; müller, Obstk., page 40).

Charlemowski Nalivia    (Deutsches Obstcabinet, Issue 3, Table 24; - shape okay, but colour much too green).

Duchess of Oldenburgh   (Cat. Lond,, N°. 221; hogg, the Fruit Manual; Ann. de Pom. 4, 81).

Barowisky   (Journ. de Lyon, 1859).

Borovitsky   (Cat. Lond., N°. 74; Ann. de Pom., 7, 49; Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°.7).

Charlemowski    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 24).


Its origin is presumably Southern Russia; the Journal de Lyon mentions: "introduit de Cracovie". We received this variety from Messrs JAMES BOOTH & söhne from Hamburg, named Duchess of Oldenburgh and at the same time as Borovitsky; further investigation showed that both names represented the same apple; French and Belgian growers use the names Borovitsky and Barowski.


SHAPE: usually very regular; section illustration very typical.

SIZE: third grade, on young trees sometimes second; in very favourable years approaching first grade.

EYE: usually half closed, sometimes closed; sepals are usually green, somewhat woolly, rather long and pointed, in a beautiful basin often surrounded by ribs.

STALK: medium thick, usually woody, brownish green; medium cavity with little russeting

The COLOUR of the fine, smooth skin is straw-yellow, somewhat waxy, glossy (often more beautiful as in the illustration); at the sun side the yellow is livelier, with lighter and darker crimson flames and stripes, often all over the apple, and fine greyish white lenticels

The FLESH is white, with some yellow, often with traces of red, medium fine, soft, juicy, tart, pleasant, in The Netherlands slightly aromatic. The core is big, the pips are perfect but not many.

TIME OF USE: August and September, may last 3 - 5 weeks; second grade for dessert, good apple for the kitchen.

The TREE is a moderately fast grower, very fertile; one year old twigs are violet, big leaves; the tree forms an attractive pyramid, but should be recommended as standard tree for the orchard: it bears fruit every year and will bring a good apple for the market.