Illustrations 34a, 34b, 34c.


Original plate.



arly Strawberry (Catalogue of rivers & son, 1864; Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], third series, N°. 165).



The origin of this variety is England; we received it first from f. rivers & son, from Sawbridgeworth , Herts., in England.


SHAPE: as illustrated, sometimes a bit higher, usually very regular.

SIZE: fourth grade.

EYE: closed, sepals greenish grey, a bit woolly; basin very shallow, surrounded by little ribs.

STALK: medium thick, often fleshy, in a small cavity with rarely any russeting.

The COLOUR of its smooth and shiny skin is almost gold-yellow, of which one sees only little since the apple is almost entirely covered with a lively flamed and striped crimson. Lighter red at the shadow side, greenish grey lenticels.

The FLESH: yellowish white, under the skin and around the core sometimes a bit red, fine, not firm, juicy, pleasant, aromatic, sweetly sour; the core is small and pips are light brown, medium size.

TIME OF USE: August; first grade for dessert, because of beauty and taste; RIVERS' Catalogue says: "an excellent early dessert-apple, July, August"; its ripeness is announced by the scent.

The TREE is a slow grower; we can only recommend it for pyramid-shape; probably this variety is very suited to be grown in pots. The variety is very fertile, without too much pruning, and will not be big. Its one year old twigs are light-brown, woolly, with many small grey lenticels; leaves are egg-shaped, serrate and pointed.