Illustrations 35a, 35b, 35c.


Original plate.



oode Herfstcalville   (knoop, table 3; matth. van noordt; Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 21).

Roode Rammelaar.

Geldersch Present.

Roode Wijnappel   (provinces of Noord-Brabant and Groningen).

Kroot appel   (provinces ofNoord-Holland and on the river Lek).

Edelkönig    (Diel).

Rother Herbst-Calvill    (Handbuch, I, page 41; Deutsches Obstcabinet, issue 8, Table 4, the illustration is much too pointed; mÜller, Obstkunde, page 78).

Rother Beerapfel    (Coburg).

Calville rouge d'automne    (Catalogue of the Fruits, page 9; Annal. de Pom, 4, 93).



Pomme violette.

Many other synonyns are mentioned, such as Himbeerapfel, Paradiesapfel etc.; they belong, however, to different varieties. 


The origin of the variety cannot be traced anymore. It is a very old apple and well-known, although there is much confusion about it abroad.


SHAPE: very regular in well-developed fruits, as illustrated.

SIZE: second grade, approaching third grade on older trees.

EYE: closed, with long, greenish and a bit woolly sepals; broad basin surrounded by strong ribs which go over the entire apple; height of ribs uneven.

STALK: medium length or longer, thin, greenish brown, woody, broad cavity, often with a greenish grey, ray-like russeting.

The COLOUR is dark crimson on this fine, smooth apple, which has a waxy skin while still on the tree; at the sun side the colour is almost black. Some fruits from the shadow side show green and sometimes black spots.

The FLESH of the apple, when ripe, is white mixed with red, especially near the eye and around the core; it is medium fine, juicy, pleasantly sour, with a slight scent of roses; the core is large, with medium-sized, unattached brown pips, which will rattle when the apple is shaken; hence possibly synonyms such as Grelot, Sonnette, Rammelaar (Rattle).

TIME OF USE: September; second grade for dessert, first grade for the kitchen.

The TREE is a strong grower, makes a large crown and is medium fertile; we recommend it only as a standard tree and then not too many; it does not bring fruit in proportion to its size. The apple, however, is very popular on the market.