Illustrations 40a, 40b, 40c.


Original plate.



ughes' Golden Pippin   (hogg, the Fruit Manual; Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 284).

Hughes's new Golden Pippin.

Hughe's Gold-Peping    (Handbuch, I, page 289; müller, Obstk., page 59, N°. 68; Deutsches Obstcabinet, Issue 3, Table 29).

Hughes gouden Pippeling   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°.59).


Originated in England; in our possession for many years and widely distributed.


SHAPE: usually as illustrated, rarely as high as on the illustration in the Handbuch.

SIZE: fourth grade, often somewhat bigger than the illustration.

EYE: half closed, seldom closed, with long, woolly, and often green sepals, in a very shallow basin surrounded by small folds.

STALK: rarely as thick as illustrated, woody, a bit woolly; narrow cavity, rarely without green and often russeted.

The COLOUR is as in our illustration, often more golden, with many star-shaped, grey lenticels; in our climate and soils often entirely russeted, sothat the apple looks like a Grauwe Goudrenet, as for the colour.

The FLESH is yellowish, very fine and pleasant, rather firm, tart, with a very particular aroma; the core is medium sized with many medium sized pips.

TIME OF USE: November - February. First grade for dessert, an excellent apple which comes with a strong recommendation.

The TREE is a slow grower and will stay small, but is very fertile; one year old twigs are short and blunt; leaves are medium sized, roundish oval. In our opinion the tree should be recommended as pyramid and espalier, although a standard or half-sized tree (twice grafted), in a protected place, is possible.