Illustrations 42a, 42b, 42c.


Original plate.



alville van Boskoop (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], third series, N°. 157).





Originated in Boskoop, The Netherlands (1863) in the nursery of Mr. P. HOOFTMAN JZ..


SHAPE: sometimes ribs come out stronger than in the illustration.

SIZE: second or third grade.

EYE: small, nearly always closed; medium sized, grey, a bit woolly sepals in a narrow and shallow basin, surrounded by ribs spreading over a good part of the apple.

STALK: short, woody, brown, in a rather broad, darker green cavity, seldom with any russeting.

The COLOUR is as illustrated, but sometimes the red flames on the shadow side are less intense.

The FLESH is greenish white, rather fine, very juicy, pleasantly sour lessened by some sweetness; the core is medium sized, with many light brown pips.

TIME OF USE: January - March. First grade for dessert and kitchen, the former especially because of its beauty.

The TREE is a moderate grower, suitable for all shapes and presumably for the orchard. Summertwigs are of medium length, light-brown, with fine, oblong lenticels. Leaves are medium sized, fine and bluntly serrated; leaf stalks are red, buds are flat.