Illustrations 43a, 43b, 43c.


Original plate.



choone van Boskoop (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], second series, N°. 145).

Belle de Boskoop.

Reinette belle de Boskoop.



Grown already some years ago in the nursery of the OTTOLANDER family in Boskoop and widely distributed.


SHAPE: depends on the rootstock; on seedling the shape usually is as illustrated, grafted onto "Paradijs" the apples shows more flat-round, broader and often some ribs, especially around the basin.

SIZE: second grade, on young trees and on "Paradijs" rootstock approaching first grade.

EYE: mostly closed, sepals long, grey and woolly, basin broad and deep, surrounded by rises or ribs which stretch down part of the apple.

STALK: medium sized, sometimes long, brown, woody, sometimes a bit fleshy; medium sized cavity, usually with a ray-like russeting.

The COLOUR is often of a more livelier yellow than in the illustration, bright red flamed at the sun side, almost always showing a thin, light brown russeting obscuring the ground colour for the greater part.

The FLESH is yellowish, rather fine, soft, when ripe pleasantly sour, very juicy; the core is rather big, with many medium sized, brown pips.

TIME OF USE: November - December (from Paradijs rootstock); the fruits from trees on seedling will last until March and, if well kept, until April; first grade for dessert and kitchen.

The TREE is a strong grower and makes a large crown; one year old twigs are long and rather thick, greyish brown, with rather big, oblong lenticels; leaves are large and corrugated; flowers are large, as well. The variety is fertile but requires a place protected from the winds.