Illustrations 46a, 46b, 46c.


Original plate.



nanas, blanke   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], second series, N°. 101).

Tobias appel.

Weiszer Ananasapfel,   (Handbuch, IV, page 413).



This variety has been imported from France by Mr. SERRURIER at the end of the 18th or the beginning of the 19th century, but because of the long journey necessary in those days, the name of the tree was lost; later the variety came into the possession of Mr.J. H. TOBIAS from Zwolle, who gave it to the former Messrs. H. ottolander & zonen from Boskoop, to be distributed as the Tobias apple.


SHAPE: sometimes a bit lower and more ribbed than in our illustration.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: closed, rather long and pointed sepals, in a broad basin surrounded by low ribs.

STALK: medium sized, sometimes long, woody, greyish brown, in a deep and medium narrow cavity with a thin, light grey russeting.

The COLOUR is usually more waxy yellow than our illustration shows, often with a slight blush at the sun side.

The FLESH is yellowish white, rather fine, soft, sweetly sour, aromatic, juicy: a very good apple, with a medium sized core and small, often imperfect pips.

TIME OF USE: October. Second grade for dessert, more suited for the kitchen.

The TREE is a strong grower, forms a large crown and is medium fertile; the one year old twig are long and strong, greyish brown, with occasional lenticels; buds are flat against the twigs; recommendable as a standard tree on sandy soils, which also brings the characteristic aroma.