Illustrations 48a, 48b, 48c.


Original plate.



awthornden   (Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 324, page 19; hogg, the Fruit Manual; Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series , N°. 40).

White Hawthornden   (Ann. de Pom., 3, page 29).

Red Hawthornden.

White Apple.

Apfel von Hawthornden   (Handbuch, I, page 375; Deutsches Obstcabinet, Issue 9, illustration too small).


According to HOGG this apple originates from Hawthornden near Edinburgh, Scotland; it arrived from Broomtonpark in Londen around 1790; the Ann. de Pom. believes it comes from Drummond and is named after a famous poet; most probably there is a confusion here between the name of that poet and his place of birth, since the poet drummond was born in Hawthornden.


We received the variety from various sources and they are all conformable.


SHAPE: almost always as the illustration (even the smaller fruit), with hardly noticeable rises. These seem more frequent on fruits from Belgium and England.

SIZE: third grade on young trees, from older trees approaching fourth grade.

EYE: closed; sepals are long, broad and pointed; basin is of medium depth, surrounded by very small ribs or folds.

STALK: short, thick, usually woody; regular cavity, broad, very light russeting

The COLOUR of the fine, soft, thin and waxy skin is whitish yellow, sometimes with traces of light red stripes or spots; greyish lenticels often surrounded by carmine rings.

The FLESH is snow-white, fine, juicy, refreshingly sour; the pips are large and light brown, medium sized core.

TIME OF USE: October and early November. First grade for the kitchen.

The TREE is a moderate grower when young, very fertile, will not be tall. The garden is a better place than the orchard. It can be recommended as a standard and a half-sized tree, should be grafted onto seedling, and bears fruit already after the second year. Summertwigs are rather long and thick, violet-brown, a bit woolly, with very small, round lenticels; buds are flat, flowers are large.