Illustrations 49a, 49b, 49c.


Original plate.


chijveling, Vlaamsche   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 91).

Banket-Schijver. Fransche Schijver   (Noord-Brabant).

Doppelter Zwiebelapfel.

Court-pendu d'automne.

Court-pendu d'été.

Rouelle de Flandre.

Pomme de France.


Its origin is unknown, and it has not been described as far as we know; possibly a Flemish apple, present throughout our country and also sent abroad under the above French and German names; we have had this variety for a very long time and it is mentioned in our oldest documents.


SHAPE: often even flatter than in the illustration, usually a bit lopsided.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: open; imperfect sepals, in a medium broad and deep basin. Hardly any variations.

STALK: medium sized, woody; cavity is broad and medium deep, almost always heavily russeted, often more than in illustration 49 c. It is a regular characteristic of this apple.

The COLOUR: the red is often more striped and flamed, and the yellow colour therefore more visible than our illustration suggests.

The FLESH is snow-white, fine, firm, not very juicy, moderately sour, soon mealy; pips are small, black-brown, the core is medium-sized.

TIME OF USE: September and October. First grade for the kitchen, excellent for drying; some claim a third grade for dessert.

The TREE is a strong grower, makes for a tall tree, is very fertile, serves best as a standard tree on heavy soil. Summertwigs are light violet-brown, a bit woolly, showing round, grey lenticels, the buds are flat, the flower is medium sized.

This variety deserves to be planted at a large scale, because the apple is very popular.