Illustrations 51a, 51b, 51c.


Original plate.



rincese noble, zoete (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 69).

Grosser, süsser Alantapfel.



The origin of this apple cannot be traced anymore; the variety has been in the possession of Boskoop growers from time out of mind.


SHAPE: the apple can be both more or less ribbed than in the illustration, but it is less variable than the sour Princesse Noble.

SIZE: second grade; apples from older trees approach the third grade and are more pointed.

EYE: half closed, sometimes closed; sepals are long and pointed, in a narrow, medium depth basin, which is surrounded by uneven rises and often shows many small grey lenticels.

STALK: medium sized,woody, sometimes a bit fleshy, in a broad, shallow cavity with thin, ray-like russeting.

The COLOUR of the smooth, waxy skin is a light gold-yellow, with attractive crimson flames and lighter stripes at the sun side, covered with small grey lenticels and sometimes a light flamed russeting.

The FLESH is cream-coloured, fine, rather firm, very juicy, sweet with a touch of tartness; rather large core and large, light brown pips.

TIME OF USE: October and November. Second grade for the kitchen: when cooked the apple will taste slighly bitter and it does not stay firm.

The TREE is a strong grower when young, it is fertile and suitable for standard and half-size tree; summer twigs are smooth, light violet-brown, few lenticels, buds are flat and close together; leaves and flowers are medium sized. A recommendation is based more on its beauty than on other qualities.