Illustrations 53a, 53b, 53c.


Original plate.



anziger Kantapfel    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 31; Handbuch, I, page 81; L. MÜLLER, Obstk., page 42, N°. 22).

Bentleber Rosenapfel    (Deutsches Obstcabinet, issue 7, Table 70).

Bendelebener Rosenapfel    (MÜLLER).

Calvilartiger Winter-Rosenapfel    (E. lucas , Abb. Württ. Obstsorten, Table l).

Dietrichs Winter-Rosenapfel.

Schwabischer Rosenapfel.

Rother Liebesapfel.

Rother Markapfel.


Grosser rother Herbst-Faros.

Dantziger Kantappel    (knoop, table 4).

Dantziker Kantappel    (matth. van noordt).

Apfelmuser.   (Württemberg, Germany).

Rother Wulstling.   (Württemberg, Germany).

Rubiner   (Württemberg, Germany).

Schmutzer    (Württemberg, Germany).

Tiefbutzer.    (Württemberg, Germany).

Rother Zwiebelapfel    (Württemberg, Germany).

Winter-Rosenapfel    (Thüringen, Germany).

Rosenhäger    (Mecklenburg, Germany).

Rella    (around Coburg, Germany).

Safstaholms röda Winter Rambour   (Sweden).

Geddeholms Calville rouge   (Sweden).


Origin: unknown, a very old variety; used to be sent frequently from Boskoop growers to Northern Germany, and, as the synonyms show, widely distributed.

SHAPE: usually as illustrated, very much alike the Handbuch illustration. Sometimes a bit lower.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: nearly always closed; long, pointed sepals, green and woolly; narrow and deep basin surrounded by uneven ribs which continue downwards a good part of the apple. In between the ribs one can see little folds.

STALK: rather long, rarely as thick as reproduced, green and brown; narrow, deep cavity, sometimes with a thin, green-grey and ray-like russeting.

The COLOUR of fruits in the shadow are more yellow-green; sun exposed apples almost entirely covered with crimson; the skin of the ripened apple is waxy and smooth.

The FLESH is creamy white, with greenish, sometimes red veins, fine, soft, juicy, a bit sourish - the taste in our climate not seldom a bit unpleasant. Pips are big and pointed, the core is large.

TIME OF USE: November - December. First grade for the kitchen, second or third grade for dessert.

The TREE is a strong grower in its youth, is fertile and will become a large tree with a big crown, and is recommended as such on heavy soil.