Illustrations 57a, 57b, 57c.


Original plate.


ostindische Compagnie   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 47).

Gele Oostindische Compagnie.

Reinette Sylvanus.

Reinette de Cassel    (according to our old register).

New Nonpareil    (according to our old register).

New Gold Nonpareil    (according to our old register).



The origin of this variety is unknown; most probably Dutch, cultivated in Boskoop for many years. We are interested to discover the origin of this excellent apple and its extraordinary name and we invite pomologists and amateurs to give us any details they may have available.

SHAPE: often a bit lower than the illustrated apple.

SIZE: fourth grade

EYE: half closed, medium deep basin on the inside surrounded by small folds or ribs.

STALK: medium sized, woody, shallow cavity, russeted.

The red COLOUR in the illustration will be found only on fruits which have been exposed to the sun; apples from the shadow side of the tree are often covered by a greyish russeting, which disappears during ripening, sothat the apple becomes more yellow. Otherwise the skin is thin and somewhat rough.

The FLESH is yellowish white when ripe; soft, very fine, characteristic, pleasant aroma.

TIME OF USE: February - May; first grade for dessert.

The TREE is a moderate grower, very fertile, requires a nutricious soil; the twigs are violet-brown, somewhat olive-coloured, a bit woolly, with small, roundish lenticels, unevenly distributed; the base of the bud is broad and high, buds themselves are conical, pointed, woolly; the leaves are small, woolly, roundish, a bit hollow, often wavy, regularly serrated, with a twisted tip; leaf stalks are strong, between 18 - 27 mms long, reddish, grooved. The variety is suitable for all shapes, but we recommend pyramid, espalier and dwarf tree.