Illustrations 59a, 59b, 59c.


Original plate.




earmain, Adams 's    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], third series, N°. 176).

Adams' Pearmain    (hogg, the Fruit Manual, 3rd series.).

Norfolk Pippin   (Catalogue of the Fruits, 529).

Adams' Parmäne    (Handbuch, II, page 153 ; L. MÜLLER, Obstk., page 35, N°., l).

Norfolk-Adams Parmäne.   (Deutsches Obstcabinet, Issue II, Table 2; illustrated too flat.)

Pepping von Norfolk.   (Deutsches Obstcabinet, Issue II, Table 2; illustrated too flat.)


The Pippin Golden Harvey, which we received from England, appears to have the same characteristics as the Adams' Pearmain.

The apple's origin is England; grown by Mr. robert adams Esq., first marketed under the name Norfolk Pippin; later this name was changed to Adams' Pearmain.


SHAPE: very regular.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: usually open, rather big; sepals somewhat woolly, basin rather deep and broad, surrounded by some folds which can, with some effort, be noticed on the apple itself.

STALK: short, strong, usually lopsided; cavity is rather deep and broad, slightly russeted. A characteristic feature of the Pearmains, a fleshy knob at the stalk, can be seen on most fruits of this variety.

The COLOUR is a pale, greenish yellow, at the sun side flushed with a sombre red, whereas the yellow at the shadow side is more faded. When ripe the ground colour becomes more intense and bright. The skin is smooth, rather thick; lenticels are usually small, sometimes bigger; occasionally one finds spots of rust and little warts; thin russeting on all fruits.

The FLESH is yellowish, fine, juicy, with a peculiar, very pleasant aroma.

TIME OF USE: January - March; first grade for dessert, recommended for the kitchen.

The TREE is a strong and dense grower, fertile and healthy, suitable for all shapes and in the orchard. Twigs are thin, erect, pale olive-brown, with a greyish skin, more woolly at the end; few dots, fine, round, sometimes oblong; one year old twigs are brown, woolly, the buds are small, a bit flat, leaves are egg-shapped, oblong, pointed, serrated, usually convex, bent downwards, lobate; leaf stalks are over 40 mms long.