Illustrations 68a, 68b, 68c.


Original plate.



merikanischer Pfirschenapfel   (Handbuch, I, page 425).





According to the Handbuch probably an American variety; we received it from Messrs. booth & SÖHNE from Hamburg and it is in entire agreement with the apple described in the Handbuch.


SHAPE: very regular.

SIZE: third grade, sometimes bigger.

EYE: closed; sepals are long, pointed and stay green for a long time; the basin is medium sized and surrounded by little ribs and folds.

STALK: 20 - 25 mms long, woody, light brown, in a medium basin without russeting; often the stalk is nothing more than a fleshy knob, in which case there is no cavity either.

The COLOUR is as illustrated, often showing some light red flames and spots at the sun side; many grey lenticels surrounded by white circles, unevenly spread over the skin. The skin is smooth, glossy, very fine and thin, when ripe a bit waxy.

The FLESH is yellowish white, when ripe soft and rather juicy, not much sour, no aroma; The core is medium, wide open, light brown pips.

TIME OF USE: December - March, has to be picked late; some value for the kitchen, less for dessert.

The TREE is a very moderate grower, will not be large, but is very fertile; twigs are thin, light violet, olive-coloured at the shadow side, occasional very fine grey lenticels; buds are small and flat; shoots are light brown with green, woolly; leaf stalks are 30 - 40 mms long; medium sized leaves, egg-shaped, bluntly serrated, pointed, lopsided, on top glossy green, underneath white and woolly.

This variety is hardly recommendable, but a pyramid-shape would be best.