Illustrations 72a, 72b, 72c.


Original plate.



ieuwe Engelsche Pigeon    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], second series, N°. 115).

Neuer Englischer Pigeon    (Handbuch, IV, page 251; L. MÜLLER, Obstk., N°. 93, page 68).

Grosser böhmischer Jungfernapfel   (South-Germany).



The Handbuch is uncertain about the origin of this apple; it may be English or American. Mr. schiebler from Celle (Hannover, Germany) found the variety at Mr. lockhardt's from London, named Pigeon. From Celle it has been distributed in Germany. We received the apple from Messrs. BOOTH & SÖHNE from Hamburg (Germany).


SHAPE: often lower, sometimes more pointed than the reproduction.

SIZE: second grade, from older trees third grade.

EYE: closed, sometimes half closed; sepals are narrow and pointed, green, a bit woolly; attractive, rather deep basin surrounded by flat ribs, light green around the eye.

STALK: 20 mms, thin, woody, in a rather broad and deep cavity with a thin, greenish grey ray-like russeting.

The COLOUR is often of a more beautiful red than in our illustration, smooth and glossy, thin and fine skin, lenticels hardly noticeable; on the tree the apples have a thin, light-blue bloom which disappears when touched.

The FLESH is pure white, with yellow veins around the core, very fine, almost firm, juicy, very sweet, spicy taste reminding of anise. Medium sized core with beautiful, light brown, perfect pips.

TIME OF USE: October - February, sometimes until March; a magnificent sweet apple, first grade for the kitchen (stewing). Even used for dessert, because of its beauty.

The TREE grows moderately, forms a nice pyramid or a high, round crown; strong twigs, hardly becoming less thick towards the top, dark brown-violet, occasional small lenticels; buds are broad and flat, woolly, positioned on small ribs; the shoots are medium, woolly, almost entirely covered by a slight, grey-white bloom; the leaves are big, almost flat, round-oval, sometimes oval, with a rather long tip, bent upwards, serrated, blunt and deep.

We recommend this variety as pyramid on Paradijs or seedling, less as a standard tree since the apples are not attached too firmly to the tree.