Illustrations 81a, 81b, 81c.


Original plate.



einette Karakter    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 78; SERRURIER, I, page 199).

Reinette marbrée.

Reinette Valkenier.

Karakter appel.


Drap d'or     (KNOOP, table X, with an incorrect illustration); this name is also used for another variety.

Charakterreinette     (Handbuch, IV, page 297; oberdieck, Anleitung, page 136).

König Jacob     (sent to us by Oberdieck under this name).


The origin of this variety is unknown, but probably Dutch.


SHAPE: very regular.

SIZE: fourth grade, on young trees approaching third grade.

EYE: closed, in a shallow basin, on large apples sometimes ribbed.

STALK: short, thin, woody, in a shallow, usually heavily russeted cavity.

The COLOUR is golden yellow, brownish red at the sunside, entirely covered with a net-shaped russeting, hence the name Netjesappel. The skin is rough and thin.

The FLESH is yellowish white, fine, when ripe soft, aromatic, juicy, a pleasant taste. The core is open, surrounded by yellow veins and contains dull, dark brown pips.

TIME OF USE: February - April; first grade for dessert.

The TREE is a good grower and very fertile; the twigs are slender, upright, dark brown, a bit glossy, with many small, round lenticels. The buds are medium sized and flat; the shoots are brown-red, woolly; leaf stalks are 30 mms long; the leaves are egg-shaped, pointed, sharply serrated, the edges slightly bent upwards, bright green.

This variety is suitable for all shapes.