Illustrations 94a, 94b, 94c.


Original plate.



redes Quitten-Reinette    (Handbuch, IV, page 109; oberdieck, Anl., page 177; L. MÜLLER, Obstk., page 42, N°. 21; Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], third series, N°. 185).

Reinette, Credos Gütten    (Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 646, supposedly the same).

Mandelreinette    (Marburg).



According to the Handbuch, diel received this variety from professor crede from Marburg (Germany), named Mandelreinette. We received it from Messrs. booth & söhne in Hamburg.


SHAPE: steady and regular, sometimes a bit lower than in our illustration.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: half closed, short, green sepals, shallow basin, no russeting, small ribs around it.

STALK: 20 - 25 mms, brown, woolly, woody, shallow cavity with a thin light green-grey russeting.

The COLOUR is lemon-yellow, more golden yellow at the sun side and fine green-grey lenticels, unevenly spread. The skin is fine, smooth, soft, not waxy.

The FLESH is yellowish white with green-yellow veins, very fine, rather firm, juicy, pleasantly sour softened by some sweet, aroma not unlike quinces, excellent, even in the unfavourable year of 1866. The core is large, cells medium, containing many perfect, coffee-brown pips.

TIME OF USE: December and January; first or second grade for dessert, also suitable for the kitchen.

The TREE is a steady grower, forms a nice pyramid and is very fertile; the twigs are light brown with olive and a little grey; occasional round lenticels; the shoots are slender, pale brown with green, woolly; leaf stalks are oblong and oval, wider towards the tip, glossy dark green, coarsely veined, dully serrated.

Recommended by us sofar as a pyramid, may also be suitable as a standard tree with crown.