Illustrations 99a, 99b, 99c.


Original plate.



onpareil-Russet    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], third series, N°. 174).

Russet-Nonpareil    (Handbuch, IV, page 333).

Rousset Nonpareil    (oberdieck, Anleitung, page 223).



According to the Handbuch Mr. oberdieck received this variety through the intermediary of Mr. URBANEK from Majthéuy, from the Horticultural Society in London; we received from it from Mr. OBERDIECK, but we can not find any reference to this name among English authors. The Reinette Miss Fanny (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties]; third series, No.109), which we received from Messrs. booth & söhne, looks a lot like the Russet Nonpareil; however, we can not yet make a decision regarding the identity or the difference between these two apples.


SHAPE: as in our illustration; the Handbuch shows it more pointed towards the eye.

SIZE: fourth grade.

EYE: usually half closed, often closed, seldom open; long, pointed sepals, in a shallow, rather wide, almost level basin. Small ribs and folds, which sometimes continue on part of the apple.

STALK: 20 - 25 mms long, woody, but at its base always somewhat fleshy, usually lopsided, then in an almost level cavity, then in a deep and narrow cavity; thin, grey russeting.

The COLOUR is as in our illustration, with small grey-brown lenticels and spots of russet, occasional thin russeting. The skin is thin and feels rough.

The FLESH is yellowish, very fine, rather firm, juicy, sweetish sour, very aromatic, excellent. The core is medium, the cells are small, filled with medium sized, thick, black-brown pips.

TIME OF USE: December - Februart, should not be picked too early, not before October 15; first grade for dessert.

The TREE is a moderate grower, very fertile, builds a nice pyramid and a dense crown. The apples are firmly attached and in clusters. The twigs are slender, of a dirty brown colour, with few small lenticels; the buds are flat; the shoots are thin, violet with green, thin wool; leaf stalks are 20 - 25 mms; the leaves are oval, wider towards the tip, sides often bent upwards, with a lopsided, pointed end; serrating small and blunt.

We recommend this variety as a pyramid or an espalier, grafted onto Paradijs.