Illustrations 10a, 10b, 10c.


Original plate.



omme du Halder [loisel] (Annales de Pomologie, VI, page 49).




See: Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], third series, N°. 164

Grown by Mr. LOISEL of Fauquemont, in Belgian Limburg.


SHAPE: as illustrated, although sometimes considerably lower.

SIZE: of the second grade.

EYE: closed, sepals can be very long, protruding from the basin, basin itself small and humpy.

STALK: almost woody, cavity deep and wide, little rust.

The COLOUR is as illustrated; more golden in the month of March (see illustration in Annales de Pomologie).

The FLESH is soft, medium fine, not firm, moderately juicy, pleasantly sour. The writers of Annales de Pomologie compare the taste to Calville blanc (Winter); although we do not agree, we do find the taste very savoury.

TIME OF USE: January - March. Annales de Pomologie gives the apple first grade; due the lack of aroma we would rate it second grade for dessert.

The TREE is a moderate grower, dense, very fertile, can be recommended for every shape; characteristic is that some leaves (usually small ones) are bent upwards in the middle, just as with Castaneavesca Cochleata.