Illustrations 65a, 65b, 65c.


Original plate.



rincesse noble   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties]; first series, N°. 68 ; KNOOP, table 6).

Fransche Kroon   (province of Friesland).

Noblesse  (prov. of Overijssel; SERRURIER , part I, page 141).

Alant-Apfel   (Handbuch, I, page 249; L. MÜLLER, Obstkunde , N°. 2, page 36).

Grosser edler Prinzessinapfel.

Mönchsnase   (Silezië).

Pomme carrée    (Frankrijk; the Princesse noble of the French is our Wijker Pippeling, N°. 18).

Prince d'Orange   (Belgium; Annal. de Pom. III, 5).


Its origin can no longer be determined, presumably a Dutch variety, already described by Knoop.


SHAPE: Bigger apples than the one in our illustration usually show a broader base.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: closed; sepals are pointed, green, somewhat woolly, in a narrow, medium deep basin, with larger and smaller ribs, some of which covering the apple; apples from older trees have less pronounced ribs.

STALK: 15 - 25 mms, thin, woody, brown, in a broad and deep cavity.

The COLOUR is lemon-yellow, crimson stripes and flames; the skin is smooth, shiny, when ripe waxy.

The FLESH is cream-coloured when the apple has reached full ripeness; it is soft, rather juicy, somewhat dry when past its prime, fine, pleasant, moderately sour, spicy. The core is very big and filled with medium sized coffee-coloured pips.

TIME OF USE: October - December; first or second grade for dessert, first grade for the kitchen.

The TREE is a moderate grower and very fertile; twigs are light yellowish brown, olive-coloured at the shadow side, with greyish white, round, irregularly placed lenticels; cone-shaped, high standing buds, shoots are light olive-coloured with some violet, slightly woolly; leaf stalks are medium, leaves rather big, oblong and pointed, on top pale-green, underneath very woolly. The variety forms an attractive pyramid and, as a standard or half-sized tree, a moderate crown; less suitable as a espalier. Recommended for the orchard, since the apple is very popular.