Illustrations 74a, 74b, 74c.


Original plate.



ourt-pendu    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 29).

Courtpendu gris   (knoop, table X). — Grauwe Korpendu.

Reinette Courtpendu. — Bardin. — Pomme de Bardin.

Goslingase Reinet. — Kortsteel (graauwe)   (SERRURIER, I, page 124).

Reinette Courtpendu grise. — Francatu.

Königlicher Kurzstiel    (Handbuch, I, page 167; LUCAS, Württ. Obstsorten, Table IV).

Königlicher rother Kurzstiel   (L MÜLLER, Obstkunde,N°. 75, page 62).

Belgischer Kurzstiel.

Court-Pendu-Plat    (Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 185, page 11; hogg, the Fruit Manual; downing, the Fruits etc.; Ann. de Pom., II, 25).

Corianda rose. — Pomme de Berlin. — Garnon' s Apple.

Wollaton Pippin. — Russian.


The Catalogue of the Fruits, hogg and downing, copying each other, mention Princesse Noble Zoete as a synonym for this variety; we cannot explain how this came to be (compare N°. 51).


The origin is presumably Dutch, very old, described already by knoop, very much appreciated, especially in Belgium.


SHAPE: very regular.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: usually open, sometimes half closed; sepals rather broad, greyish brown, bent backwards at the top, in a broad, deep and regular basin surrounded by little folds.

STALK: 10 - 15 mms, seldom longer than the depth of the cavity, in a deep, broad cavity with some thin russeting.

The COLOUR is often more red, sometimes less yellow than the reproduced apple. When the tree is grafted on Paradijs rootstock it is often covered with a greyish russeting, on seedling the skin is more smooth and usually entirely dark red, with darker flames and stripes; that is possibly the reason that Knoop and also some German pomologists distinguished two varieties, one of which was called Courtpendu Rouge; however, they are one and the same, on different rootstock, as is also shown by the foliage.

The FLESH is firm, crispy, fine, a bit softer on Paradijs, juicy, refreshingly sour, pleasant. The core is medium sized, with many dark brown pips.

TIME OF USE: January - May. First grade for any purpose, also for drying. Can be used for dessert in the late spring.

The TREE grows moderately and forms an attractive crown, blossoms late and is very fertile. Twigs are of medium length, strong, dull dark-brown, with small roundish lenticels; the buds are close together, thick, broad, somewhat woolly, placed on small ribs; the shoots are woolly; leaf stalks are 40 - 45 mms; the leaves are very characteristic, bent upwards at the edges, oval, slightly pointed, serrating is shallow and rather regular. Recommended for all shapes, but especially as a standard tree in the orchard; an excellent apple for the market, which is not nearly enough appreciated in our country.