Illustrations 76a, 76b, 76c.


Original plate.



igeon rouge   (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 54; Journal de Lyon, 1859),

Duivenappel (rode)    (SERRURIER, I, page  87).

Jerusalems Appel.

Lekkerbeetje    (province of Noordholland).

Winter-Zijden-Hemdje    (province of Overijssel).

Rother Winter-Tauben-Apfel    (Handbuch, I, page 107; L. müller, N°. 128, page 82).

Koniglicher Taubling — Coeur de pigeon — Pomme de Jerusalem.

Mandel-Apfel — Mandel-Täubchen — Schönnettchen    (Saxony).

Buschnettchen — Marienhemdchen.

Pigeon    (Catalogue of the Fruits, N°. 582, page 81).


The Deutsches Obstcabinet (issue I, table 2) gives an illustration of its Königlicher Taubling, the shape of which is good, but much too small, and a second one (table 6) named Pigeon Rouge d'Hiver, with the synonyms Rother Winter-Tauben-Apfel and Jerusalem, which is considerably different from the illustration on table 2. Apparently there is some confusion about this variety. The illustration in the Handbuch is also very small, but it seems to be the genuine variety.


Its origin is unknown but the apple has been distributed and grown here in The Netherlands from time out of mind.


SHAPE: always very regular, very seldom a bit lower as in the illustration.

SIZE: fourth grade; from trees grafted onto seedling the apple will be smaller than reproduced here.

EYE: closed; sepals long and pointed, in a shallow basin surrounded by little fleshy knobs, on smaller or more pointed apples without a basin.

STALK: 20 - 25 mms long, thin, woody, brown, in a rather deep and narrow cavity, usually green but sometimes covered with a thin, grey, ray-like russeting.

The COLOUR usually is much brighter red than in our reproduction, almost as No. 72, sometimes with darker red flames, very fine, smooth, with small lenticels which are surrounded by thin, white ringlets.

The FLESH is white, with yellow-green veins around the core, fine, rather soft, very juicy; almond-like, pleasantly refreshing taste. The core is rather big, with many dark, coffee-coloured pips which taste a bit bitter.

TIME OF USE: November - March; first grade for any purpose, except for drying.

The TREE grows moderately, forms a nice pyramid, but a less attractive crown. The twigs are thin, olive-coloured light brown, with small lenticels; buds are thick, woolly, placed on little ribs; the shoots are are of a lively brown with green, covered with a thin wool; the leaf stalks are thin; leaves are egg-shaped, pointed, the edges slightly bent upwards, very regular but shallow serration. The variety is suitable for any shape, especially recommended as a dwarf tree, pyramid or espalier on Paradijs rootstock. The apple is so well-known and appreciated that it doesnot need a special recommendation.

The Pigeon Blanc or Blanke Poom (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 53) has almost all characteristics described above; it is, however, waxy white-yellow, with pink and crimson flames and stripes, and, according to some, less excellent in taste. There are no differences in the time of use or the foliage. KNOOP knew and described this variety (table 11).