Illustrations 78a, 78b, 78c.


Original plate.



einette, Zure    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 87; matth. van noordt , with a very attractive and recognizable reproduction).

Osnabrücker Reinette    (Handbuch, I, page 343; L. muller, Obstk., N°. 95, page 70).

Graue Osnabrücker Reinette     (jahn, Verzeichniss, N°. 376).

Franz Graf von Eggers-Reinette.

Rothgraue Kelchreinette.


The Handbuch claims "a German fruit"; this is possible; however, in our nursery we have a tree at least one hundred years old, sothat the variety has a long history also in our country. Mr. oberdieck from Jensen wrote to us to say that at the exposition in Görlitz our Zure Reinette appeared to be identical to the Osnabrücker Reinette.


SHAPE: as a special characteristic of this apple we mention the fact that 4 flat rises give a cross section of this apple a square look.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: usually closed or half closed; sepals are long, pointed, woolly, the basin is small and very shallow, surrounded by little ribs. The eye's surrounding is yellowish green and, another characteristic of this apple, completely without russeting.

STALK: 20 mms long, woody, in a rather deep cavity covered with a heavy brown russeting.

The COLOUR of the thick, rough skin is greenish yellow, with a brown-red flush at the sun side; usually the apple is almost entirely covered by a heavy, cinnamon-coloured russeting, which only seldom covers the red flush; occasional grey lenticels.

The FLESH is white, with green veins beneath the skin and around the core, fine, firm, juicy, a bit astringent. The core is medium sized, with light brown, often imperfect pips.

TIME OF USE: February - March. Late in spring of the second grade for dessert, first grade for the kitchen.

The TREE is a strong grower, will be very tall and forms a nice, round crown; its blossom is late and it is always very fertile. The twigs are dark brown-red, with many large, round lenticels and a thin, grey skin. The buds are medium sized and flat, placed on flat rises; leaf stalks are 20 - 30 mms long and grooved; medium sized leaves, broad, oval-round, pointed, the edges bent upwards, irregular and shallow serrating.

The tree is recommended as a standard tree for the orchard and along roads; it is a very good apple for the market, and keeps well.

This variety is often confused with the dubbele zure grauwe Reinette (N°. 15) and with the Reinette Krappe Kruin; the latter, however, is different in that it is higher, more greenish grey and better tasting.