Illustrations 79a, 79b, 79c.


Original plate.



einette, zure grauwe Goud    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 90).

Reinette dorée    (Ann. de Pom., 4, page 69).

Jaune tardive    (Ann. de Pom., 4, page 69).



The origin of this apple is unknown, and we have had it in our possession for many years. We suppose it is a mutant of the Wijker Pippeling since it is apt to return to this variety when it grows very strongly.


SHAPE: regular, most striking in illustration 79c.

SIZE: third grade.

EYE: half closed, the tips of the sepals slightly bent inwards, surrounded by a green ringlet, the basin is regular, saucer-shaped, surrounded by small folds.

STALK: short, thick, with a small, fleshy lump; the cavity is shallow and irregular, russeted; sometimes the stalk is woody, longer and thinner.

The COLOUR is light brownish yellow, with some red stains at the sun side, almost entirely covered with a brown rust; lenticels are almost invisible; the skin is rather smooth, soft, not thick; the apple looks like it is made in bronze.

The FLESH is cream-coloured, very fine, rather soft, juicy, very pleasant, aromatic and refreshing; the core is small and shows yellow veins; the pips are light brown

TIME OF USE: December - February. First grade for dessert; strongly recommended.

The TREE is a moderate grower and very fertile. The twigs stand upright and are dark brown with a touch of olive and small, round lenticels; the buds are medium sized, somewhat flat. The shoots are dark brown-red, a bit woolly; leaf stalks are 35 - 40 mms long; leaves are medium, oblong and oval, the edges slightly bent upwards, sharply serrated, glossy, dark green.

Although the tree does well in all shapes, we recommend pyramid, dwarf or espalier.