4S2b: Introduction - Food system transitions in deltas under pressure


  • C. Terwisscha van Scheltinga
  • S. Reinhard
  • J. Verhagen
  • D. K. Nhan


Deltas world-wide are increasingly under pressure. They form a dynamic link between land and water, fresh and saline environments, connecting the natural environment with production systems organized by human intervention. Deltas are among the most productive agriculture and aquaculture areas, while at the same time they face challenges of urbanization, flooding, drought, cyclones, sea level rise, salinity intrusion and subsidence. It is evident that changes in deltas are occurring in an ever more rapid pace: climate change as well as development-driven changes entail that the food system must change towards higher sustainability and resilience while simultaneously meeting increasing demands for food production. Not only the number of people in deltas are increasing, but also their diets are changing (more protein, opportunities for livestock and aquaculture) as are the risks (e.g. emerging diseases, supply chain risks) for and constraints (reduced environmental impact) on production. This session focuses on scientific insights aiming at better  understanding the driving forces and interventions needed to bring about the transition to a more sustainable and resilient food system in deltas.






Sessions 4s2b: Food system transitions in deltas under pressure