Current Issue
Theme ‘Cross-cutting’ groups a set of sessions that thematically address one or more of the other themes. Some sessions address topical circularity issues; either a specific product, such as circular textile or waste streams and novel products that will enable the sustainable production of safe food for humans and feed for animals. Next to the topical circularity issues, this theme also addresses overarching subjects that relate to how to use visions of a future circular world to assess the implementation potential of the concept of a circular society. Lastly, this theme shows examples of studies that have a more holistic view of the system, where both the environmental as well as the economic consequences of adopting circularity are assessed at different spatial scales.
Sessions 5s1: Visions for circularity: critical exploration of the ...
Sessions 5s2: The environmental and economic consequences of adopting ...
Sessions 5s3: Circular textiles
Sessions 5s4a Waste reduction and novel resources for sustainable ...
Sessions 5s4b: Waste reduction and novel resources for sustainable ...
General introduction to conference
A transition towards a circular bio-based and climate smart society is the answer to many of the societal challenges we are facing today. Circular systems in the green and in the blue domain will close water, nutrient and carbon cycles and from this, minimize resource losses and climate change effects, and hence assure that society can live within the planetary boundaries.
Abstracts of keynotes, masterclasses, workshops, sessions and posters are available below. Click here for the Conference Programme (in PDF) and click here for the Introduction of the Book of Abstracts (PDF).
Day 1 | 11 April 2022
08.00 Registration of the conference
In the W-Invite: on screens showing movies of circular households in 2050
Opening of the Conference
09.00 Grande opening by the Zand Tovenaar
09.25 Opening ceremony by Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus/Vice President Executive Board WUR
09.35 Introducing programme by Saskia Visser and Saskia Keesstra, Wageningen University & Research
Global challenges
09.45 Keynote: “The European Green Deal: prospects for a bio-based circular economy†by Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency
10.15 Coffee/tea break
Keynotes introducing the theme’s from scientific perspective chairs: Saskia Visser and Saskia Keesstra
10.45 Fabrizio Adani, University of Milan. The Anaerobic Digestions as Key Factor in Proposing the Recovery of Renewable Fertilizers in a Circular Economy Frame.
11.10 Frank Boons, University of Manchester. Beyond the crossroads: from a nexus of challenges to interconnected transitions.
11.35 Jaqueline Cramer, Utrecht University. Effective governance of circular economies: an international comparison.
12.00 Panel discussion with keynote speakers
13.00 Lunch
13.45 Parallel sessions 1
1. Biosphere
1m1: The butterfly model, an integrated conceptual framework for the circular and climate neutral society
1w1a: Cross-overs: closing loops together
Sessions 1s1a: Models and tools for estimating circularity of alternative food and agricultural systems:
1S1a: Introduction - Models and tools for estimating circularity of alternative food and agricultural systems
1s1a: Circularity in food and agricultural systems: Blind spots in agricultural landscape assessments
1s1a: Navigating food waste utilization options to support a circular bioeconomy – A systematic review of existing decision support tools and frameworks
1s1a: Connecting cropping system design with food diet requirement through the development of an innovative conceptual model
1s1a: Digestair – a novel anaerobic digester solution in air transport for on board efficient waste management. development of a DSS tool
1s1a: Prospective analysis of the evolution of agronomic, environmental and nutritional performances of contrasting crop rotations when facing climate change
1s1a: Circular bio-economy as a climate strategy: an integrated quantitative assessment of its potential and costs in agri-food sector
2. Society
2m1: From a Circular Economy to Circular Society: the role of people and places
Sessions 2s1: What kind of circular society:
2S1: Introduction - What kind of circular society
2s1: Towards a circular economy in the community of Boekel
2s1: Making cities circular; advancing a social and spatial approach to circular area development
2s1: Mapping changes of dynamic discourse coalitions in EU circular bioeconomicy controversies
2s1: Struvia demonstrator: phosphorous recovery from Macroom wastewater treatment plant
2s1: What are Irish and Scottish stakeholders' opinions of phosphorous recovery from rural wastewater in Ireland and Scotland?
3. Economy
3w1: Start-ups and spin-offs make the wheels of circular economy turn
4. Partnerships
4m1: Bringing nature and farming in balance together; the case of the Dutch farmer collectives
4m2: Meet Becky – food waste free consumers using positive social norms
4w1: Exploring opportunities of circular food systems
5. Cross-cutting
Sessions 5s1: Visions for circularity: Critical explorations of the implementation of the concept of a circular society:
5S1: Introduction - Visions for circularity: Critical explorations of the implementation of the concept of a circular society
5s1: Consumer behavior in the circular economy of 2050
5s1: Seeing the Visual: A Literature Review and Agenda for the Study of Influential Visualizations
5s1: Creating a Circular City: Apeldoorn
5s1: Communicating circularity in ways that ignite imagination and action - a paper presentation
5s1: Circulating ideas: The role of visual language in shaping green urban fringes
15.15 Coffee/tea break
15.45 Parallel sessions 2
1. Biosphere
1w1b: Cross-overs: closing loops together
Sessions 1s1b: Models and tools for estimating circularity of alternative food and agricultural systems:
1S1b: Introduction - Models and tools for estimating circularity of alternative food and agricultural systems
1s1b: African pastoralist systems may be historically resilient, but can they become circular in a climate-changed future?
1s1b: Assessing circularity of biomass utilisation, valuing functionality in the application: Circularity Analysis Tool
1s1b: Use of bio-economic farm models and tools for ex-ante analysis of impacts of policies related to circular agriculture
1s1b: Negative Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions and longtime sequestration through the development of C-based products
1s1b: Tailor made solutions for regenerative agriculture in a circular food vision: a case-study of a Dutch dairy farm
1s1b: Transforming to Circular Systems: Opportunities for food and agricultural systems
2. Society
2m2: Welfare and welfare distribution
2w1: Risk governance in the transition towards sustainability
3. Economy
Sessions 3s1: Modelling the circular economy with sectoral and macro-economic models:
3S1: Introduction - Modelling the circular economy with sectoral and macro-economic models
3s1: Cost and benefits of options to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus losses at different ambition levels in the Netherlands
3s1: The future of Dutch and EU agriculture in a global context
3s1: Afforestation in EU: a spatially explicit multi-model framework
3s1: Assessment of the baseline development of the EU Biobased plastic sector: exploring business-as-usual and alternative market and recycling options
3s1: Labour in the circular economy: a catalyst towards sustainable development
4. Partnerships
4w2: Circular fashion
4w3: TerrAgenda: a manifest for healthy soil in 2030!
Sessions 4s1: The Circular Food Systems network: exploring opportunities for food security by circularity in different regions in the world:
4S1: Introduction - The Circular Food Systems network: exploring opportunities for food security by circularity in different regions in the world
4s1: Livestock based Circular Food Systems in tropical islands
4s1: Carbon farming - case of farm frites
4s1: A partnership for achieving carbon neutral and resilient Mediterranean agro-food systems through circular management of organic resources
4s1: Connected Circularity Challenge: collectively designing the future of food & agriculture
4s1: Let them eat fish! Exploring the possibility of utilising unwanted catch in food bank parcels in the Netherlands
4s1: Livestock based Circular Food Systems in Tropical Islands
5. Cross-cutting
Sessions 5s2: The environmental and economic consequences of adopting circularity at different spatial scales:
5S2: Introduction - The environmental and economic consequences of adopting circularity at different spatial scales
5s2: A conceptual framework to evaluate safety of organic fertilizers
5s2: To trade or not to trade: environmental consequences for our food system
5s2: Transition to a circular society: can circular food build on 40 years of circular non-food experience?
5s2: Towards circular food systems: analysing biomass- and nutrient flows in the agri-foodsystem
5s2: Life cycle assessment of organic sweet potato production using lidar sensor measurements
5s2: The impacts of a collective biogas unit on circularity of nutrient and energy flows for a group of dairy farms
17.15 - 19.00 Poster session with refreshments
Posters Day 1 | 11 April 2022
Theme 1. Biosphere
1p1: Synergies in integrated systems: improving resource use efficiency while mitigating ghg emissions through well-informed decisions about circularity (SENSE)
1p2: Integrated toolbox for cross-sectoral assessments: On the sustainability of the production and recycling of bio-based versus fossil-based polymers
1p3: The impact of hormones on below ground interactions
1p4: Nature-based solutions as building blocks for the transition towards climate resilient and circular food systems
1p5: Microbiome research and innovation needs a systems approach
1p6: Circular agricultural production system of small and marginal farms – a sustainable pathway development under climate change scenario
1p7: Identifying and implementing circular applications of agri-residues. A practical tool for assessing circular agricultural projects
1p8: Integration of crop and livestock for a more circular farming systems in Drenthe; the Netherlands
1p9: The legacy effect of synthetic N fertiliser
1p10: The N flows in the agro-food system and options to close N cycle in Quzhou, China
1p11: WOOD for WOOD; turning woody waste into protein-rich mycelium
Theme 2. Society
2p1: What are the Desired Properties of Recycling-Derived Fertilisers from an End-User Perspective?
2p2: Effects of different antibiotic residues in manure on soil greenhouse gas emissions and plant available nitrogen
Theme 3. Economy
3p1: The quest for renewable carbon
3p2: Dissolving the Plastic Soup: Development of novel and biodegradable plastic alternatives
3p3: The classification of food loss and waste valorization pathways regarding their contribution to a circular economy
3p4: Sustainable Circular Economy Indicators for Indonesian Fashion Industry
Theme 4. Partnerships
4p1: Evaluating living labs - finding a balance between transforming, learning and justifying
4p2: Conditions for successful seaweed value chain development: lessons from Indonesia
4p3: How power influences the transition of circular flexible packaging value chain in Jakarta
4p4: Food Safety Hazards related to Plant-Based Proteins used as Alternatives to Meat and Dairy products
Day 2 | 12 April 2022
08.00 Registration of the conference
In W-Invite: Show films of the 4 themes
Plenary session with Keynotes introducing the conference themes from society perspective
09.00 Impression Circular@WUR Youth Event 18 March 2022
09.25 Tom Arnold, Chair of High Level Panel of Experts to assess the need for an international platform for food systems science
09.55 Bas Eijkhout, Member of the European Parliament on behalf of the Green Left, part of the European Green Party
10.20 Panel discussion with speakers
10.45 Coffee/tea break with poster session
11.30 Parallel sessions 3
1. Biosphere
Sessions 1s2: Healthy foods produced in circular food systems:
1S2: Introduction - Healthy foods produced in circular food systems
1s2: Healthy and sustainable diets: providing nutrition, not only nutrients
1s2: Complimentarity of different food sources to meet amino acid requirements
1s2: Can dietary recommendations of animal source food align with circular production principles?
1s2: Multidisciplinary science based tools enabling transitions towards a sustainable circular bioeconomy
1s2: Circularity cannot be achieved without one health integration
Sessions 1s3: The contribution of biodiversity to productivity in circular agriculture:
1S3: Introduction - The contribution of biodiversity to productivity in circular agriculture
1s3: What to conserve and how? Framing of biodiversity and biodiversity management in different contexts
1s3: Key performance indicators for biodiversity in arable farming
1s3: The impact of agricultural practices on the biodiversity of agroecosystems: a literature review
1s3: Plant diversity of strip cropping systems enhances aerial arthropod diversity
1s3: Agroecology for biodiversity
1s3: Global typology of agricultural systems
Sessions 1s4: Towards circular marine food production | Sustainable mariculture:
1S4: Introduction - Towards circular marine food production | Sustainable mariculture
1s4: Suitability of world seas and oceans for seaweed cultivation
1s4: Modelling seaweed cultivation on the dutch continental shelf
1s4: Translating circular economy principles to aquaculture
1s4: Circularity and marine food production
1s4: Potential for carbon sequestration by using shells from aquaculture as building material
1s4: What is the role of aquaculture in circular food systems?
2. Society
Sessions 2s2: Food safety and risks is a circular system:
2S2: Introduction - Food safety and risks is a circular system
2s2: Limiting exposure of lifestock to mycotoxins by monitoring and forecasting of contaminations in feed crops
2s2: Struggles in circular agriculture discourse: open concept, closed circuit?
2s2: Assessing risk and building resilience to accelerate the transition towards circular food systems
2s2: A strategy to determine the fate of active chemical compounds in soil; applied to antimicrobially active substances
2s2: Food safety issues when closing the loops in food production
2s2: The circular economy and associated risks from food waste
3. Economy
3m2: Circular packaging; biobased polymers for circular packages
3m3: Economics of a sustainable circular bioeconomy
3w3: Sustainability and circular thinking for companies
4. Partnerships
4w4: Gamification of the circular biobased economy: knowledge integration and diffusion
4w5: Governing circular food systems
5. Cross-cutting
Sessions 5s3: Circular textiles:
5S3: Introduction - Circular textiles
5s3: Worldwide Wardrobes, inside consumers’ clothing systems
5s3: Full-circle research for better circularity
5s3: Farming and Fashion – Integrating Agroecological Principles in Fiber Farming
5s3: The potential of mechanical recycling for post-consumer textiles
5s3: Measuring and monitoring the circular textile transitions: limitations and needs from a policy perspective
5s3: Credible quality information as a bottleneck issue in extending clothing lifetimes
13.00 Lunch with poster session
Posters Day 2 | 12 April 2022
Theme 1. Biosphere
1p1: Towards circular greenhouse horticulture
1p2: Eating Earthworms – Sustainable Protein from Circular Food Systems
1p3: Modelling the impact of seaweed cultivation on the marine protist community
1p4: Diagnostics for biorefinery of low trophic marine resources to animal health application
1p5: Extraction of bioactive phenolic and antioxidant compounds from lignified Salicornia ramosissima
1p6: Microbiome@wur: circular agri-food production system as a framework for microbiome research
Theme 2. Society
2p1: Microbiome program: holistic study about microbial derived beneficial and risk factors in a circular food production system
2p2: Microbial contaminants in circular plant-derived food and feed production systems (COST Action HUPLANTcontrol network)
2p3: Benefits and risks of smallholder livestock production on child nutrition in low- and middle- income countries
2p4: Chemical food safety issues of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae reared on residual streams
2p5: The SOTERIA pilot tool as a safety utensil to identify potential hazards from food waste being used as animal feed
2p6: Knowledge needs in assessing the potential contribution of seaweed to world food provisioning
2p7: New approaches for safe use of food by-products and biowaste in the feed production chain
2p8: Ensuring safety of circular food systems: testing for circulating contaminantsÂ
Theme 3. Economy
3p1: What does the circular and climate neutral household of the future look like?Â
Theme 4. Partnerships
4p1: Material Flow Management: WUR’s own transition towards circular business
4p2: Transition pathways approach for transition towards a circular system
4p3: Characterizing Circular Agriculture Initiatives in the North of the Netherlands through a Small Wins PerspectiveÂ
4p4: Conceptualizing circular integration of production, use and end-of-life flows and networks: the case of Extended Producer Responsibility for single-use plastics in Indonesia
4p5: Time for a TSE road map 3?
14.00 - 18.00 Company visits
6 parallel tours with visits around relevant companies; showing their experience
1. Excursion: Smaak Park / Flavor Park. Ede (full afternoon)
2. Excursion AMS: Developing a circular city. Amsterdam (full afternoon)
3. Excursion: Farm of the Future. Lelystad (full afternoon)
4. Excursion WFBR: Circular materials from bio-waste. Campus (15:30-17:30 hrs)
5. Excursion WFSR: Food safety in circular systems. Campus, duration 2 hrs
6. Excursion Unilever: Waste to Value – Building the Circular Economy through Eco-systems. Campus (14:00-15:30 hrs)
19.00 - 22.00 Conference dinner/social event for participants that have registered for dinner (Restaurant H41, Herenstraat 41, Wageningen centre)
Day 3 | 13 April 2022
08.00 Registration of the conference
In W-Invite: Show films of the 4 themes
09.00 Parallel sessions 4
1. Biosphere
1w2: Transformation opportunities for linear to circular marine resource inclusive food systems; bivalve mollusk perspectives
Sessions 1s5: Nature-based solutions for circular food systems under climate change:
1S5: Introduction - Nature-based solutions for circular food systems under climate change
1s5: How transformative adaption is making its way in the Dutch water system
1s5: Farm-level indicators for resilience to climate change stressors
1s5: A transition towards a circular agricultural economy with a focus on nature-inclusive initiatives
1s5: Circular waste management
1s5: Evaluating the performance of a Subsurface Water Retention System (SWRS) prototype: first assessment of work productivity and costs
1s5: Seaweed extracts to boost crop productivity under stress conditions
Sessions 1s6a: A healthy soil as a basic enabling condition for the transition towards circular land management and land use:
1S6a: Introduction - A healthy soil as a basic enabling condition for the transition towards circular land management and land use
1s6a: Circular connection of stakeholder groups for impactful communication and dissemination
1s6a: EJP soil climasoma: climate change adaptation through soil and crop management: synthesis and ways forward
1s6a: Spatial Variability of Soil Organic Carbon Under Different Land Uses in a Semi-Arid Watershed of Turkey
1s6a: Enabling conditions for climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils
1s6a: Rooftops farming on urban waste provide many ecosystem services
1s6a: Soil Mission Support: Co-creating the European Roadmap for Land and Soil Related Research and Innovation
2. Society
3. Economy
3w4: Translating between dreams of circularity & practice
Sessions 3s2: Monitoring and modelling the transition from linear to circular production chain in the bio-economy:
3S2: Introduction - Monitoring and modelling the transition from linear to circular production chain in the bio-economy
3s2: Agent-based modelling of technological innovation systems: the shift towards circular bioeconomy in the organic waste treatment sector
3s2: Drivers and enablers of bioplastic adoption
3s2: Risk governance in the transition towards sustainability the case of bio-based plastic food packaging materials
3s2: A cost minimization model for bio-based fertilizer prosumers
3s2: Mapping of marginal, underutilised and contaminated lands in Europe and sustainability assessment of bioenergy value chains
3s2: Minimising environmental impacts while maximising resource circularity: the case of biobased asphalt
4. Partnerships
4w6: Pathways to resilient food economies of cities around the world
Sessions 4s2a: Food system transitions in deltas under pressure:
4S2a: Introduction - Food system transitions in deltas under pressure
4s2a: Understanding Dutch farmers' decision making in the transition towards circular agriculture
4s2a: Effects of salinity on dairy farms in Bangladesh
4s2a: Drivers of shrimp farmer adoption of Associated Mangrove Aquaculture in Bangladesh
4s2a: Sustainable Management of Deltaic Forest Ecosystems for Resilient Rural Livelihoods
4s2a: Water demand and water availability for future food production in Bangladesh
5. Cross-cutting
Sessions 5s4a: Waste reduction and novel resources for sustainable production of safe food or feed:
5S4a: Introduction - Waste reduction and novel resources for sustainable production of safe food or feed
5s4a: Protein transition pathways and regional innovation ecosystems: characteristics, challenges and promising directions
5s4a: Microbiomesupport: Towards Coordinated Microbiome R&I Activities In The Food System To Support (EU And) International Bioeconomy Goals
5s4a: Bioconversion of Wood Residue into Protein-rich, Edible Fungal Mycelium
5s4a: Developing a platform for myco-validation of lignocellulosic waste streams
5s4a: Modelling agri-food waste production and valorisation in a circular economy approach
5s4a: Improving protein sovereignty in poultry: how novel & local feed-grade amino acids can facilitate the utilization of European plant-based protein
10.30 Coffee/tea break
11.00 Parallel sessions 5
1. Biosphere
Sessions 1s6b: A healthy soil as a basic enabling condition for the transition towards circular land management and land use:
1S6b: Introduction - 1S6b: A healthy soil as a basic enabling condition for the transition towards circular land management and land use
1s6b: Soil policy in the Netherlands, Dutch program on agricultural soils
1s6b: A healthy soil as a basic enabling condition for the transition towards circular land management and land use
1s6b: Effects of soil management options on soil functions: results from four long-term experiments in the Netherlands
1s6b: Sustainability rooted in soil science
1s6b: Circulair Terreinbeheer
Sessions 1s7: Water efficiency and water recycling: what are the options?:
1S7: Introduction - Water efficiency and water recycling: what are the options?
1s7: Effects of treated wastewater irrigation on soil quality
1s7: Acceptance and quality assurance of safe irrigation water from municipal wastewater
1s7: Already circular, but is it safe? Safeguarding drinking water resources in circular water systems
1s7: Re-thinking water use in pig diets while accounting for food-feed competition
1s7: Water banking in horticulture: maintaining water supply, while improving the water system
2. Society
2w2: How to transition towards circular animal feed
Sessions 2s3: Risk management and trade-offs:
2S3: Introduction - Risk management and trade-offs
2s3: Ecosystem services - an approach for sediment management
2s3: Environmental protection versus circular economy: microplastics in agricultural recycling
2s3: Modelling heavy metal flows under increased nutrient circularity in agricultural production
2s3: DARTS: modelling the resilience of food systems in a globalised world
2s3: Navigating personal and systematic barriers to enact regenerative higher education for a more sustainable world
3. Economy
3w5: Where the EU bioeconomy stand: insights from the Biomonitor project
Sessions 3s3: Supply chain transition: managing tools and sustainability assessment of innovations:
3S3: Introduction - Supply chain transition: managing tools and sustainability assessment of innovations
3s3: Macro-economic approach to monitor bio-based material flows in a circular economy
3s3: The future split between primary and secondary steel production: integrating material flows in an economic framework
3s3: Defining circular economy principles and indicators for biobased products
3s3: Waste management and circular economy: building a CGE framework
3s3: Scoping the ability of circular economy policy options for improving biodiversity
3s3: Healthier but wasteful? Changes in food loss and waste along global supply chains with healthier diets
4. Partnerships
4w7: From linear to circular: designing rules for new partnerships in the bio-based and food sectors
Sessions 4s2b: Food system transitions in deltas under pressure:
4S2b: Introduction - Food system transitions in deltas under pressure
4s2b: How Knowledge on Crop Resilience to Abiotic Stress can be Capitalised in Agriculture
4s2b: Understanding tradeoffs in circular grain production systems
4s2b: Insect problems in a changing world: reduce pesticide use by breeding for insect resistant plants under salinity stress
4s2b: Roles of rice landraces in sustainable food production in the coastal Mekong Delta of Vietnam
4s2b: A new inter-university alliance for circular society
5. Cross-cutting
Sessions 5s4b: Waste reduction and novel resources for sustainable production of safe food or feed:
5S4b: Introduction - Waste reduction and novel resources for sustainable production of safe food or feed
5s4b: The role of crop protection products in circular agriculture
5s4b: The environmental impact of alternative protein sources – contribution to circular food systems
5s4b: Transition to an agroecological community oriented, circular food system in the netherlands
5s4b: Controlled Biologically-Based Indoor Circular Food Systems
5s4b: Possible strategies to cope with enhanced contaminant levels in saccharina lattisima in food and feed applications
5s4b: How to monitor the progress towards a Circular Food Economy: a Delphi study
12.30 -14.20 Lunch and poster session
Posters Day 3 | 13 April 2022
Theme 1. Biosphere
1p1: Resource recovery from source-separated domestic wastewaters and food waste, experiences from 4 European demo-sites
1p2: Investigating housefly biology to foster circular economy
1p3: Urban microfarms in a circular bioeconomy: use of organic wastes and soil organic carbon storage
1p4: Inheritable induced resilience for circular plant production systems
1p5: Novel insights and technologies for monitoring and improving water quality in a recirculating greenhouse system
1p6: Removal of organic micro-pollutants from wastewater by recovered activated carbon from lactate production and drinking water production
1p7: Circular economy of biosulfur: nitrogen, food & energy solutions
1p8: Development of a model for the implementation of the circular economy in desertic coastal regions
1p9: European Joint Program Agricultural Soils under Climate Change
1p10: Effects of treated wastewater irrigation on soil quality
Theme 2. Society
2p1: Potential benefits of retrofitting green roofs in Yuzhen Quarter, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2p2: Modelling choices and social interactions: adoption of mixed-mangrove aquaculture systems in Bangladesh
2p3: An economic analysis tool for assessing benefits from dredging projects
2p4: Pathogens in animal manure: risky?Â
Theme 3. Economy
3p1: Scaling circular supply networks – balancing the trade-offs of (de)centralization
3p2: Analysis of factors affecting the postharvest loss in the litchi value chain, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Theme 4. Partnerships
4p1: Discovering the safe use of seaweed across the food value-chain
4p2: Governance in transitions: experiences with new circular arrangements in the Netherlands
4p3: FACCE ERA-GAS: Harnessing joint programming for circularity and greenhouse gas reduction
4p4: Upcycling organic waste streams into bio-composite material for nature restoration
4p5: FOSC, the era-net cofund on food systems and climateÂ
4p6: Modelling choices and social interactions: adoption of mixed-mangrove aquaculture systems in Bangladesh
Plenary keynotes addressing the transition pathways
14.20-14.40 Transition pathway 1 Biosphere: Prof Martin van Ittersum, Prof Imke de Boer, Wageningen University & Research
14.40-15.00 Transition pathway 2 Society: Prof Eveline van Leeuwen, Wageningen University & Research
15.00-15.20 Transition pathway 3 Economy: Prof Hans van Meijl, Wageningen University & Research
15.20-15.40 Transition pathway 4 Partnerships: Prof Katrien Termeer, Wageningen University & Research
15.40 Closing ceremony: Conference conclusions & announcing prize winners by Saskia Visser and Saskia Keesstra
16.00 Drinks & Farewell