Illustrations 11a, 11b, 11c.


Original plate.



rosze Casseler Reinette

Holländische gold Reinette  (Handbuch der Obstkunde, I, page 163.)

Dutch Mignonne

Pomme de Laak  (Catalogue of the Fruits, No. 225.)

Copmanthorpe Crab


See: Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first series, N°. 73.

In The Netherlands the name has corrupted to „Renedor", „Reine dor" etc.. These names should not be used anymore. We did not include the synonym „Goud Reinet", in order to avoid further confusion with the Gulden Renet and the Zure Graauwe Goud Renet. These are different varieties. Annales de Pomologie, I, fol. 83 does not show and describe the true variety; the Catalogue of the Fruits mentions "Paternosterappel" as a synonym; this is incorrect since a variety exists under this name.

The origin is unknown to us.


SHAPE: no variations.

SIZE: of the second grade; young trees, grafted onto "Paradijs", bring fruit of the first grade.

EYE: closed, wide basin, surrounded by ribs.

STALK: long, woody, in regular cavity with striped rust.

The COLOUR of apples from a standard tree is not always as deep yellow, and less red as in the illustration; russeting is more frequent.

The FLESH is fine, until fully ripe very firm, crispy; later pleasantly soft, a winelike tartness without being harsh.

TIME OF USE: March - April. Can be stored until July without difficulty; should not be eaten before fully ripened. First grade for dessert and kitchen, especially for drying.

The TREE is a strong grower when young; later, because of its extraordinary fertility, growth is moderate; best suited for standard tree and pyramid.

This variety has such an excellent reputation that a further recommendation is superfluous. Much appreciated in the market; well-spoken of, especially in Würtemberg.