Illustrations 30a, 30b, 30c.


Original plate.



omer Coussinot    (knoop, Tab. I).

Coussinotte   (Cousinotte) d'été.


Zomer-Aagt   (by knoop; but this name is not correct: compare N°. 27).

Couleur de Chair   (bij knoop; also wrong).

Sommer-Erdbeerapfel?   (Compare. N°. 28).

Sommer-Kronapfel    (Handbuch, IV, page 235, citation from knoop).

Rother Sommer-Kronapfel.

Coussinot-Zomer    (Beschrijving der vruchtsoorten [Description of fruit varieties], first part, N°. 30).

Also written as: Quisinot.


As with so many apples the origin has been forgotten. The Handbuch suggests a Dutch variety; the name, however, is French but may be from an era when French was an important language in The Netherlands.


SHAPE: hardly any variations.

SIZE: fourth grade, sometimes a little bigger as illustrated.

EYE: closed, with broad, short and pointed sepals; shallow and narrow basin surrounded by little ribs and folds.

STALK: long, in proportion to the apple, thin, woody; attractive, sometimes slightly russeted cavity.

The COLOUR is a waxy light yellow with many crimson stripes and flames; exposed to much sun the fruit can be flushed with red.

The FLESH is white, under the skin yellow, or sometimes light pink veins; fine, firm, juicy, a pleasant mixture of sweet and sour, a little bit spicy.

TIME OF USE: August and September, may last long for a summer apple; second grade for dessert, too small for the kitchen.

The TREE is a moderate grower and will not be very large, but is very fertile; suitable for standard tree and pyramid-shape. Summer twigs are thin, violet-brown, with some lenticels; leaves are medium large, somewhat oblong and oval, towards the pointed end strongly serrated.