Frontis - Wageningen International Nucleus for Strategic Expertise is an activity of Wageningen University and Research ( Frontis started in June 2001 and is aimed at giving an impulse to scientific progress by bringing together scientists in the fields of agricultural, environmental and related sciences in an atmosphere of open discussion and interaction with colleagues from all over the world. Frontis wants to achieve this through symposia, workshops, master classes, lectures and sabbaticals and by offering excellent scientists from elsewhere the possibility of a temporary appointment at Wageningen University and Research.
Volume 25 Economics of Poverty, Environment and Natural-Resource Use
Volume 24 Pathways to High-Tech Valleys and Research Triangles : Innovative Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Transfer and Cluster Formation in Europe and the United States
Volume 23 Resource Ecology : Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Foraging
Volume 22 Functional-Structural Plant Modelling in Crop Production
Volume 21 Scale and Complexity in Plant Systems Research: Gene-Plant-Crop Relations
Volume 20 New Approaches to the Economics of Plant Health
Volume 19 Agricultural Trade Liberalization and the Least Developed Countries
Volume 18 Fresh Herbage for Dairy Cattle: the Key to a Sustainable Food Chain
Volume 17 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Agricultural, Commercial, Ecological, Legal, Pharmacological and Social Aspects
Volume 16 Chemical Ecology: from Gene to Ecosystem
Volume 15 Quantifying the Agri-Food Supply Chain
Volume 14 Agro-Food Chains and Networks for Development
Volume 13 Farming for Health: Green-Care Farming across Europe and the United States of America
Volume 12 From Landscape Research to Landscape Planning: Aspects of Integration, Education and Application
Volume 11 Bridging Laboratory and Field Research for Genetic Control of Disease Vectors
Volume 10 Allergy Matters: New Approaches to Allergy Prevention and Management
Volume 9 Environmental Change and Malaria Risk: Global and Local Implications
Volume 8 Avian Influenza: Prevention and Control
Volume 7 Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops
Volume 6 Unsaturated-Zone Modeling: Progress, Challenges and Applications
Volume 5 Ethics for Life Scientists
Volume 4 The New Dimensions of the European Landscapes
Volume 3 Bayesian Statistics and Quality Modelling in the Agro-Food Production Chain
Volume 2 Ecological Aspects for Application of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes