1. Biosphere: Rethinking our food and bio-based systems
The concept of a circular, bio-based society is increasingly seen as a promising way to meet the needs of a growing and wealthier population within the planetary boundaries. While this concept makes scientific sense, much research is needed to realize food and bio-based systems that meet society’s needs for food, fuels, clothes and other bio-products, while maintaining the quality of life and remaining within planetary boundaries. So far, no country achieves a good quality of life within planetary boundaries.
This theme seeks answers to questions like: How can we produce enough food and biomass for essential bio-based products (clothes, plastics, construction material, paper etc. ) while safeguarding our natural resources? How to avoid losses and wastes in our food and bio-based systems? How to best utilize and recycle biomass and bio-products for different purposes without introducing (new) risks for the environment? Within this theme we therefore seek for sessions and masterclasses on topics like: Circular and nature-inclusive agriculture/aquaculture; the role of farm animals/aquatic and future foods in a circular food system; The role of the marine system in a circular food system, and the optimal utilization of all crop parts in our food and bio-based systems.
Scientific committee Imke de Boer Adrian Muller Dirk van Apeldoorn Jens Kjerulf Petersen Sarah Doornbos